Western leadership pushes for peace agreement

6 лютого 2015 года

Leaders from Germany and France arrived in Kiev to discuss peace initiatives with Poroshenko yesterday and meet with Putin today. Supposedly rumors that Putin sent a letter containing his own proposed peace settlement to French President Hollande catalyzed the media only to guess the scope of potential deals. US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived earlier yesterday for his own talks with Poroshenko, and in a joint statement to the media, Kerry stressed that Russia must comply with the Minsk agreement and obey the ceasefire, demilitarize the zone, call the Russian army back to Russia, and close the borders. No details were available of proposed settlements by Merkel and Hollande. Kerry announced that Poroshenko would maintain the special status of the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, indicating that the peace plan would include autonomy to the area under dispute. In our view, such a deal would reduce risk very little and be shaky at best.

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