Kryukiv Wagon might get 500 train order from state

24 вересня 2012 года
Конкорд Капитал

Крюковский вагоностроительный завод (KVBZ)

Kryukiv Wagon (KVBZ UK) might get an order from state-owned railway operator
Ukrzaliznytsya to produce up to 500 new suburban trains within the next
couple of years, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said today.

Roman Dmytrenko: The announcement looks extremely encouraging for Kryukiv
Wagon; earlier this year Ukrzaliznytsya announced plans to acquire an
additional 300-350 double-decker passenger railcars starting from 2014 for
its suburban routes. The announced orders, if executed in full, would
require the manufacturing of approximately 3,000 suburban passenger
railcars. Given Kryukiv's current capacity, this would effectively load its
production for the next decade.

Источник: Конкорд Капитал

Аналитик: Роман Дмитренко


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