Обзоры рынка 21.12.2017 Ukrainian equities were mixed on Wednesday, Dec. 20. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks slid 1.1%, weighed down by farmer Agroton (AGT PW), which fell 6.0%, extending its cold streak to four sessions at a 13.1% loss. In London, iron ore miner and pellet maker Ferrexpo (FXPO LN) climbed 1.4%, extending its win streak to six sessions at a 9.1% advance. The Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index of Kyiv-traded stocks declined 0.6%, snapping its nine-session win streak. Engine maker Motor Sich (MSICH) inched up 0.1% to extend its hot streak to four sessions at an 8.8% gain. It has reached its highest price since May 2011.