Industrial growth drifts marginally above zero

Макроэкономика 19.06.2012 Industrial production increased 1.0% yoy (+1.9% mom) in May, taking 5M12 growth to 0.7% yoy, UkrStat reported yesterday. Growth was uneven across segments, with chemicals posting a hefty increase of 14.9% yoy in May (+10.8% yoy in 5M12), while metallurgy remained in the red at -1.1% yoy (-1.6% yoy in 5M12). Other sectors saw slight improvements in May, with construction output turning positive to 0.3% yoy in 5M12 (vs. -3.0% in 4M12) while growth in retail trade turnover accelerated to 14.1% yoy (from 13.2% in 4M12).